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Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 393
Sunday, April 21st 1991
Today's Topics:
New Files
Confrontations/book Review
Vallee Responds
The `harvest' Continues
`harvest' Part Ii
Re our humanoid 'visitors'
From: Don.Ecker@f3.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Don Ecker)
Subject: New Files
Date: 18 Apr 91 15:09:00 GMT
Starting this week in the ASK_UFO echo, with permission of
the publishers of UFO Magazine I am beginning a series of
uploads of articles and book reviews of previous issues of
UFO Magazine. These articles range the gamut from
mutilations to overflights of nuclear power plants to
abduction research. The book reviews touch on everything
new coming into the field. Be sure to check the ASK_UFO
echo and catch everything that you have been missing.
Don Ecker - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
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Subject: Confrontations/book Review
Date: 18 Apr 91 22:14:00 GMT
* Forwarded from "Ask UFO Magazine"
* Originally from Don Ecker
* Originally dated 04-18-91 09:42
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Date prepared: 4/18/91
Contributed by: Staff UFO Magazine
UFO Magazine Vol. 5 No. 3 < Atomic Perspectives >
A Scientist's Search for
Alien Contact
New York: Ballantine Books, 1990..
252 pp. $19.95
Almost a legendary figure, Jacques Vallee has done it once more
in the UFO field. Confrontations is, as Vallee said it on the
cover, "A scientist's search for alien contact. "
Known for his previous best selling works such as Anatomy of a
Phenomenon, Passport to Magonia and Dimensions, Vallee has written
a book that will not be well received by the "space-brother "
faction in UFOlogy. On the other hand, he is an equal opportunity
author; the nuts-and-bolts crowd will not like it either.
With Confrontations, Vallee continues to be controversial in the
mainstream UFO Field. In past best selling works such as Messengers
of Deception and Passport to Magonia, Vallee stirred the field with
his unorthodox approach, and the conclusions he alluded to if not
made outright. Having researched in previous works the folklore of
past generations, and delivering the more contemporary warnings of
cult manipulations and intelligence infiltration into the UFO
field, Vallee now explores the UFO riddle via painful and sometimes
lethal encounters.
This book is not to be confused with the wide-eyed wonder of
Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind, " in which a
Vallee-like character was portrayed by French actor Francois
Truffaut. On the other hand, this is also not quite a
"War of the Worlds" scenario that would fit into so many
purveyors of misinformation. It falls into the middle, and while
not saying that all UFOs are bad, it does say that witnesses should
be damned careful!
Vallee manages to take the reader on a journey to never-never
land, in Central and South America. It is a journey worth
experiencing in print, as most of us will never make it
there in fact, and after assimilating what Vallee offers, I dare
say that we would not want to. Vallee's UFOs are not the comforting
symbols of the Billy Meier crowd, and they also fail the test of
the Leo Sprinkle or Budd Hopkins variety. Here is a brief sample:
"In most cases the witnesses reported rectangular objects
(sometimes compared to ice boxes) flying over the treetops and
shining a beam toward the earth. The chupas (UFOs) are said to
make a humming sound like a refrigerator or a transformer, and this
sound does not change when the object accelerates. The object does
not seem large enough to contain a human pilot. It has a light on
the bottom and a light at one end, giving a sealed beam like a car
"The victims were Abel Boro, who died on October 17, 1981, while
hunting with Ribamar Ferreira; Raimundo Souza, who died on October
19, 1981, while hunting with Anastacio Barbosa; Jose Vitorio and
Dionizio General, who died on an undetermined date, the latter
three days after the UFO encounter; and a man named Ramon, who
lived in Parnarama.
"Muldoon and Richman quoted the mayor of Parnarama as confirming
the cases, and the chief of police, Geraldo dos Santos Magela, as
stating that he had examined two of the bodies, finding that the
blood had been sucked from them."
Not the kind of information that either the "New Age" crowd or
the "Nuts and Bolts " bunch may want to hear, but this book should
be on the must read list of any serious UFO researcher or devotee.
However, there still are a couple of "caveat emptors." I totally
disagree with Vallee on his conclusion with reference to the
abduction question, as many undoubtedly will. The evidence is
overwhelming that this mystery has affected possibly thousands of
individuals, in a manner that far exceeds any possible psychosis.
Vallee does not acknowledge the overwhelming physical evidence or
the wide range of various "victims " which encompasses all
different social, economic, and ethnic groupings. The enigma is
real, Jacques, and the clock may be ticking. Another area dismissed
is the idea that what we MAY be dealing with is an extraterrestrial
phenomenon. Even with all the information developed in connection
with the alleged Roswell case and the testimony from over a hundred
witnesses, not one word is mentioned by Vallee. The evidence from
this case is persuasive that POSSIBLY hardware from off world
visited here in 1947. Could it be that this information makes the
author very uncomfortable, since his stand is very anti-ET? Neither
this magazine nor this writer is stating that the hypothesis of ET
coming for a visit is the only explanation. There are many theories
of what may be occurring. But Vallee may miss the boat if he closes
his mind to this possibility. One thing to remember about this
work is the extensive travels and research the author carried out.
Vallee's research skills and scholarship have been sorely missed in
the ufological community; I for one am glad to see him back in the
active research arena. I think that this account will end up as
a yardstick to judge future efforts. Confrontations is a book that
will open your eyes to what a truly mysterious world the UFO
inhabits, no matter where you stand.
-Don Ecker-
PS Vallee replied to the above, his reply follows.
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Subject: Vallee Responds
Date: 18 Apr 91 22:15:00 GMT
* Forwarded from "Ask UFO Magazine"
* Originally from Don Ecker
* Originally dated 04-18-91 10:44
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Date prepared: 4/18/91
Contributed by: Staff UFO Magazine
UFO Magazine Vol. 5 No. 4 (Coping with ABDUCTION)
In our last issue, writer Don Ecker reviewed the new
book by scientist and UFO researcher Jacques Vallee,
Confrontations. Vallee took exception to some facets of
the review. Because of its length, we are running his
response as a Forum article.
by Jacques Vallee
The review of Confrontations (Vol. 5, No. 3) calls for a response
and a few comments.
On the topic of abductions, Don states that "the evidence is
overwhelming that this mystery has affected possibly thousands of
individuals in a manner that far exceeds any possible psychosis."
I totally agree with that statement. Where did I ever say that
abductees were victims of psychosis?
On the contrary, Confrontations gives several examples of
abduction cases that I have personally researched: the episode with
Mrs. Victor in Chapter 6 fits a classic pattern, I have said that,
in such reports, "I cannot agree with Philip Klass'conclusion that
the witness is making up the whole episode. The abduction
experience is real." Why is there such confusion, then, about my
position on this issue? Simply because I do not believe that
everything retrieved under hypnosis should be taken at face value.
I have stated (and will continue to state) that much of what
passes for abduction research today is unscientific, unethical
garbage that reeks of standard cult recruitment techniques. My
appeals to more caution have infuriated some abduction researchers,
who have made up the story that "Vallee rejects all abduction
cases." Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only do I
accept these cases, but I believe their evidence is much too
important to be treated in the superficial way evidenced in the
work of many "abductionists." I refer the reader to the ten-page
discussion of the issue in Confrontations, starting on page 170.
On the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs, my position is clear, too.
If the witnesses are telling the truth about the behavior of the
phenomenon, then it could be from anywhere at anytime. This
naturally includes other planets in outer space, and I have not
rejected this hypothesis; I only think it is insufficient. And
there are many other, possibly more promising hypotheses that have
not been seriously considered.
How could I "close my mind" to the possibility of
extraterrestrial intervention? It is an hypothesis I defended
vigorously 25 years ago. But we cannot be dogmatic in front of the
data that has been accumulating during that period, much of which
now contradicts the first level ETH (extraterrestrial hypothesis)
to which most of American ufology is still clinging. It is time to
open our minds to other possibilities.
Don rightly notices that I have not treated the issue of
"saucer crashes," notably Roswell, in Confrontations. This may seem
to be an important omission, but it was the result of a conscious
decision, which was clearly disclosed at the very beginning. In the
introduction, I took pains to state that I regarded three impor-
tant topics to lie outside the scope of the book. They were the
possible relevance of cult movements to the UFO phenomenon, cattle
mutilations and government intervention and "cover-up." There is
much to say, as everyone knows, about all three subjects, but a
scientist learns to focus on a single issue at a time. The
central theme in Confrontations was field research methodology and
physical evidence. I may develop the other topics in a future work,
and the Roswell crash (and other crashes) will then be treated
under the rubric of "Government intervention and cover-up " where
it rightly belongs.
In the meantime I did describe in great detail the analysis of
physical samples reported to have come from UFOs, several of which
I have in my possession and can supply to colleagues who would like
to analyze them. I cannot make the same statement about the Roswell
material, and I do not know anyone who can. It would have been
inappropriate to mention Roswell in a book on the analysis of UFO
evidence, no matter how many people have become fascinated with
this particular story, because there is no Roswell material
available to be analyzed. Again it is a case of individual readers
projecting their own expectations into a very complicated topic,
and expressing their frustration when conclusions are presented
which differ from their own. There is very little I can do, as a
scientist, to alleviate this problem. But I am grateful to Don
Ecker for having set the framework for a useful and timely
-Jacques Vallee-
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Subject: The `harvest' Continues
Date: 18 Apr 91 22:15:00 GMT
* Forwarded from "Ask UFO Magazine"
* Originally from Don Ecker
* Originally dated 04-18-91 13:02
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UFO Magazine. All rights are reserved. You may distribute this file
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Date prepared: 4/18/91
Contributed by: Staff UFO Magazine
UFO Magazine Vol. 5 No. 4 ( Coping With Abduction )
The `Harvest' Continues
by Linda Moulton Howe
In 1989, there were so many cattle mutilations in southern Idaho
that Bear Lake County Sheriff Brent Bunn told me, "We haven't seen
anything like this since the 1970s." Sheriff Bunn sent me 16
neatly-typed "Investigation Reports" about cattle mutilations that
had taken place in his county between May and December. Over half
occurred in a remote valley called Nounan. Only eighty people live
there. Ranching is their main income source, and cattle are
precious. Disease and predators are old and well-understood
What descended on Nounan, Idaho in the summer and fall of 1989
was not understood-and it scared people. Bloodless and precise
cuts-that's what bothers people. Officer Gregg Athay wrote in his
mutilation report, "There were no visible signs of the cause of
death. It appeared that only the soft tissues (nose, lips and
tongue) were gone off the head and four nipples off the bag. Again
there was no blood on the hair and ground."
No veterinarian report was made on that cow. But a month earlier,
Dr. Charles Merrell at the Bear Lake Animal Hospital examined a
dead Hereford cow. Dr. Merrell wrote after his examination: "Some
time between approximately 8 p.m. (August 31, 1989) and 7 a.m. 1
September, the anus, vagina to include uterus and ovaries and all
four teats (one teat deeply incised, the others shallow cuts) were
removed by knife cuts around these tissues. There were no signs of
injury and no blood to be found on the ground. " A neighbor,
Bernice Laughter, said she saw lights in that area about 2 a.m. on
September 1.
Disks reported
Throughout the history of animal mutilations, since 1967, there
have been numerous eyewitness accounts of large, glowing disks or
"silent helicopters " over pastures where dead animals are later
found. One Waco, Texas rancher said he encountered two four-foot
tall, light green-colored "creatures " with large, black, slanted
eyes, carrying a calf which was later found dead and mutilated. In
1983, a Missouri couple watched through binoculars as two small
beings in tight-fitting silver suits worked on a cow in a nearby
pasture. The alien heads were large and white in color. Nearby, a
tall, green-skinned "lizard man" stood glaring with eyes slit by
vertical pupils like a crocodiles's. Several hypnosis sessions with
various UFO abductees have produced information suggesting that the
alien intruders are using the tissues and blood fluids for genetic
experimentation and sustenance.
One Missouri woman, who has experienced repeated encounters with
small grey beings that have large, black eyes, sid the creatures
told her, "We use substances from cows in an essential biochemical
process for our survival." In the 1989 continuing harvest, over
half of the Idaho mutilations were young calves. One mutilated
calf, found December 24, north of Downey, Idaho, was found lying on
its back with the navel, rectum and genitals neatly cut out of the
steer's white belly. No blood was found anywhere. (See photo, p.
18.) This steer calf was taken for an autopsy to Dr. Chris Oats,
D.V.M., at the Hawthorne Animal Hospital. Dr. Oats checked all the
vital organs and was unable to determine the cause of death. During
the autopsy, a sharp cut was found in the right chest area, and Dr.
Oats discovered that a main artery had been severed under the chest
She was surprised that "the steer had lost a large amount of
blood, but [she] could not understand where it went to. " There was
no blood on the steer or on the ground. Dr. Oats also determined
that the steer had not been dragged by the neck or tied up around
the feet.
Residents of southern Idaho weren't alone in their fear and con-
fusion about the mutilations. William Veenhuizen woke up on July
1989 to find his finest cow mutilated about 100 yards from his
farmhouse in Maple Valley, Washington, southeast of Seattle. The
six-year-old female was due to calve in about three weeks. But
mutilators had cut away a smooth oval section of the cow's mouth,
removed a section of jaw with teeth, excised the tongue and cut out
the entire udder, vagina and rectal area. The calf was still inside
the belly.
Something woke Mr. Veenhuizen up around I a.m. that day, he
remembers. He even put his shoes on and went outside, but he
couldn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. He was so upset
after the mutilation, he started keeping the rest of his animals
inside the barn. "A neighbor said to me that coyotes did it," he
said, "but I said the coyotes don't have that sharp a knife."
Other farms hit
Bill Veenhuizen wasn't the only farmer in Maple Valley,
Washington having mutilation problems. On Sunday, November 11, two
female sheep were found with their sexual organs removed. The
Hicks-Raburn King County Police found small holes on the carcasses
that they concluded might be BB gun pellet wounds, but no pellets
were found.
Cont. next file.
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Subject: `harvest' Part Ii
Date: 18 Apr 91 22:15:00 GMT
* Forwarded from "Ask UFO Magazine"
* Originally from Don Ecker
* Originally dated 04-18-91 13:04
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UFO Magazine. All rights are reserved. You may distribute this file
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Date prepared: 4/18/91
Contributed by: Staff UFO Magazine
UFO Magazine Vol. 5. No. 4. ( Coping with Abduction )
-cont. from last message_
Mystery technology
Another major question: Had the blood been drained from all those
animals without cutting them? If alien life forms are responsible,
and blood is a fluid they need for sustenance, do the aliens have
a technology which can transfer molecules of blood from within a
living system and leave mysteriously dead animals behind having no
cuts at all: The same question might apply to the hundreds of wild
horses which were found dead in Nevada in 1989.
In November, 1989, in Red Cloud, Nebraska, rancher Ron Bartels
found a large, 1,000 lb. Chianina cow dead and mutilated. The
Franklin County Sheriff Department investigated, and veterinarian
Carl Guthrie, D.V.M., was asked to do a necropsy. In his report, he
stated that a four-inch straight incision had been made over the
cervical trachea. Beyond that cut inside the animal, over eight
inches of trachea and esophagus had been surgically removed- "The
skin over the abdomen was removed in a clear, demarcated line-no
musculature disturbed," he noted. And the rectum and vagina were
cored out.
Predators discounted
Dr. Guthrie concluded: "There were definite signs of suspicious
acts to the body of this cow-the nature in which the skin was
severed and removed was not characteristic of a predator strike."
In addition to those cuts described by Dr. Guthrie, the neat
circular patch of skin removed around the cow's eye, along with the
eyeball, has been one of the hallmarks of animal mutilations since
the 1970s. Rancher Ron Bartels told me, ". . . after several days,
there had been no predation, and with the number of coyotes we now
have in this area, they completely strip a carcass very quickly."
But nothing touched the strangely cut cow. How are the cuts made:
In my book An Alien Harvest, published in 1989, I show for the
first time that tissue gathered from mutilator cuts in Arkansas on
March 11, 1989, revealed the following characteristics under
microscopic examination:
1) The line is pinpoint thin;
2) The line was subjected to high heat, probably 300 degrees
Fahrenheit or above, leaving a hard and darkened edge;
3) The cuts were made rapidly, probably in two minutes or less,
because there is no inflammatory cell destruction which typically
begins in a few minutes after any trauma to tissue
(See contrasting photomicrographs).
In addition to the 1989 mutilation reports in Idaho, Washington,
Nebraska and Arkansas, there have been other cases in Colorado,
Oklahoma, Missouri and Florida. Further, over 800 wild horses in
Nevada have died mysteriously, about 70 domestic cats have been
Found dead and bloodlessly mutilated in Tustin, California and 30
more cats in the East Bay of San Francisco. A city employee in
Setauket, Long Island, NY, has reported to me that about a dozen
raccoons, opossums, dogs and cats have been found in Percy Rayner
bloodlessly mutilated with cuts similar to cows. I have also
received calls about mutilations in Canada, but have no firm
photographs or reports.
After An Alien Harvest was released in June of 1989, I received
a letter from a security guard in Denver, Colorado. He described a
night in August when he was patrolling the grounds of a large
corporation west of the city. From his truck, he could see a large
circle of lights in the dark sky. The lights remained stationary
over a pasture a few hundred feet from the security guard. He was
afraid to report the unidentified flying objects, because UFOs
meant ridicule and he didn't want to lose his job. But he felt
guilty about not reporting it, because the next morning he watched
a farmer gather up a couple of dead and mutilated cows from the
pasture where the lights had hovered overhead. He asked me, "What
kind of technology are we talking about? I never took my eyes off
those lights. There was no beam, no sound, nothing. How did they do
That's a question which has haunted ranchers and law enforcement
since the first worldwide reported mutilation of a horse in 1967.
Not only how-but why? If alien life forms are intruding on this
planet and harvesting from animals and humans, is a program of
genetic experimentation and sustenance the answer? Or only part of
a larger alien need? Will the 1990s finally bring humans face to
face with an alien intelligence that has secretly used earth life
for eons? As we become more conscious of its presence, will we
learn that the alien intent is simply to survive without human
help? Or is there some larger and more complex alien scheme which
could challenge the future of human existence?
-Linda Moulton Howe-
End of file.
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From: ncar!oxy.edu!yokatta
Subject: Re our humanoid 'visitors'
Date: 19 Apr 91 20:43:10 GMT
From: yokatta@oxy.edu (Scott Littleton)
Contrary to Steven Nelson's assertion that our alien 'visitors' shouldn't
be humanoids, I suspect that one of the reasons they're so interested in us is
precisely BECAUSE they resemble us so closely. Indeed, I suspect that they
evolved--perhaps a few thousand Earth-years earlier than Homo sapiens
sapiens--on a planet of about the same mass and geologic composition as the
Earth, one that orbits at approximately the same distance from a Sun-like
yellow dwarf. Parallel evolution, cultural as well as biological, is fairly
common on this planet. Examples can be seen in the cultural similarities
among all ancient riverine civilizations, from Nazca to Sumer, and the fact
that Northwest Europeans and the Ainu of Northern Japan share a great many
physical traits in common, despite the low probability of significant genetic
interchange among them in pre-modern times. In both instances, the
similarities are due to common adaptation to common environments.
To be sure, the ancient Peruvians were by no means culturally identical
to the ancient Iraqis, nor could an Ainu pass as an Englishman. The same seems
to hold for the most commonly reported variety of 'visitors.' They're
typically described as shorter and stockier than most adult human beings, with
neotonic features and grey, wrinkled skins; they are also sometimes said to
wear a breathing apparatus of some sort (although they don't seem to need it
at all times). All of this would seem to imply a slightly more massive home
planet with a somewhat denser atmosphere--our sea level may be equivalent to
La Paz, Bolivia, as far as they're concerned--with less intense UV from their
primary (ergo less need for protective melanin or its equivalent), to say
nothing of a technology at least as far ahead of ours as Cortes' was vis-a-vis
that of the Aztecs in 1519.
Perhaps they see in both our cultures and our biology a reflection of
their own distant past--which might go far in explaining the grand,
longitudinal ethnography they seem to have been conducting among Homo sapiens
sapiens for lo these many millennia.
In sum, speaking as an anthropologist, I really don't think that the
reported physical similarities between ourselves and the creatures who pilot
UFOs are a major problem when it comes to assessing the reality of the
phenomenon. The apparent absence of 'hard evidence' is another matter, though
maybe someday the governments (our own and others) will decide that we are in
fact mature enough to handle the truth without suffering a complete cultural
break-down. . . .
C. Scott Littleton
Occidental College
Los Angeles, CA 90041
P.S. Another widespread assumption also needs to be challenged: There is
no reason to assume that individual 'greys' are inherently (i.e., genetically)
brighter than individual human beings. Remember, Cortes wasn't necessarily
Montezuma's intellectual superior, merely the product of a culture that had
evolved a vastly more complex technology--thanks to the domestication several
thousand years earlier of LARGE domestic animals (the ox, the horse, etc.)
whose energy could be harnessed to pull plows, etc. If similar beasts (e.g.,
a more docile sub-species of the North American bison) had roamed the Valley
of Mexico at the time the first experiments in maize agriculture began,
Columbus might have passed his Aztec counterpart in mid-Atlantic! Perhaps we
shall someday come to realize that the principal reason we're not abducting
'them' and subjecting "them" to elaborate physical examinations, etc., is that
we, like the ancient Mexicans, lack a crucial environmental resource and/or
have failed to make a major discovery of some sort (cf. the fact that the
wheel never played an important part in ancient New World technology).
From: ncar!ecn.purdue.edu!lush
Subject: (none)
Date: 19 Apr 91 20:43:57 GMT
From: lush@ecn.purdue.edu (Gregory B Lush)
+ From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
+ Subject: The Grey Men Tape (6)
+ Date: 12 Apr 91 07:44:00 GMT
+ Did you personally type the messages from the original publication
+ and check for accuracy?
Is this directed at me?
Yes I typed it right out of the book. I kept typos in if I felt it
was not my business to change it. For instance, if 'the' was spelt
'teh', I changed it. Meanwhile, they identify a person as Senator
John Hansen in one instance and George Hansen in another.
I didn't change that. All capitalized (highlighted) sentences/words
are of the author.
I checked as best I could, but I didn't read my version and their
version side-by-side. Is there a specific question?
Greg Lush (lush@ecn.purdue.edu)
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